The 5th Regional Resiliency Summit will be a mix of plenary sessions and panels. Plenary sessions will bring attendees together for discussion from invited speakers on resilience issues of regional importance, such as federal and state legislative policy and funding initiatives.
TBRPC is seeking panel presentation proposals for Summit sessions. Priority will be given to panels that feature:
- Public and private sector speakers
- No more than five panelists (including moderator) and at least two speakers
- Discussion-based and/or interactive presentations
- All presenters must be in-person
Individual abstracts must be received by January 10, 2025, to be considered by the planning committee for inclusion in the program. Proposed presentations should focus on local government implementation, policy and legal considerations, funding programs, and innovation. We have provided topics of particular interest below but are open to other resiliency topics. Proposed panels must meet the standards of eligibility for CM credits for AICP planners.
Note: The conference will be held as an in-person event only.
- Micro-grids, energy redundancy, energy infrastructure
- Innovations for power and renewable energy production projects
- Electric vehicle technologies and supporting infrastructure
- Energy planning for Natural Disasters
- Energy-efficient buildings, integrated development and re-development, and energy audits and strategies
- National best-practices for post-disaster recovery
- Business Recovery
- Affordable housing after a disaster
- Public Health impacts after natural disasters
- Post-Disaster Redevelopment policies
- Federal, state, and local resilience policies, programs, and funding alternatives
- Retrofitting and floodproofing assets
- Ensuring equity in adaptation and climate solutions
- Adaptation strategies to deal with rising sea levels, flooding, hurricanes, and other climate-related hazards
- Designing in the age of uncertainty
- Improving the ability of bay habitats to adapt to a changing climate
- Sustainable land use practices, such as reducing urban sprawl, protecting natural resources, and enhancing green infrastructure as part of new community planning
- Design with nature in mind – adapting gray and green infrastructure to changing landscapes
- Nature-based solutions to climate change, such as living shorelines, wetlands, and other innovative solutions
- Habitat and ecosystem restoration in a changing climate
- Two pages maximum and submitted in a PDF file format
- Underline the name of the person who will coordinate the session
- The proposal must include the following:
- Presenter(s) name and credentials
- Affiliation, and
- Contact information, including email address
Speaker Expenses
If selected, travel and lodging expenses are the responsibility of the panelists. Speakers will not be required to purchase a ticket to attend the Summit.
Important Dates
Call for Presentations Opens: November 4, 2024
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 10, 2024
Acceptance Notification: January 24, 2024
Selection Process
Speakers will be notified whether their proposal has been selected by February 18, 2024, and will be provided with additional logistical information.