About the TBRPC

What We Do

Wren Krahl, CP-PHR
Executive Director

(727) 570-5151 ext. 22

Our Mission

To serve our citizens and member governments by providing a forum to foster communication, coordination, and collaboration in identifying and addressing issues and needs regionally.

Convening the Region

The tougher challenges of the 21st century require regional thinkers, conveners and problem solvers. Since 1962, the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council has convened local governments and gubernatorial appointees to coordinate planning for the region’s future. The TBRPC provides a forum for analyzing issues, resolving problems, and sharing solutions among the jurisdictions in Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties.

Florida Statutes 186.502(4)(1) recognize Regional Planning Councils as Florida’s only multipurpose regional entities in a position to plan for and coordinate intergovernmental solutions to growth-related problems on greater-than-local issues, provide technical assistance to local governments, and meet other needs of the communities in each region. TBRPC was the first of ten RPCs to be established in Florida.

As a regional entity, the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council works closely with a number of local governments and jurisdictions throughout the Tampa Bay region.


Formal Designations


Federal Economic Development District

The TBRPC is designated by the U.S. Department of Commerce / Economic Development Administration (EDA) as the Economic Development District (EDD) for the Tampa Bay Region.  EDDs are responsible for creating and maintaining a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).  The CEDS serves as a cornerstone of the U.S. EDA’s grant programs, as well as a means to engage community leaders, leverage the private sector, and establish a strategic blueprint for regional collaboration on economic development efforts.

Florida Scenic Highways Corridor Management Entity

The TBRPC is designated by the Florida Department of Transportation  / Florida Scenic Highways Program as the Corridor Management Entity for the Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway. The TBRPC coordinates the Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway Corridor Advisory Committee (CCSHCAC) to convene representatives from all local government and planning agencies that touch the highway. 

Latest News

TBRPC Operates in the Sunshine

The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) is subject to the state of Florida’s Sunshine Laws. The Sunshine Law regarding open government can be found in Chapter 286 of the Florida Statutes. These statutes establish a basic right of access to most meetings of boards, commissions, and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities.

The TBRPC is also subject to the Florida Department of State’s Record Management Program requirements under the Division of Library and Information Services. Every agency is required by law to appoint a Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO) to serve as a point of contact between the agency and the Division of Library and Information Services’ records management program. The RMLO also oversees Public Record requests for the TBRPC.

For additional information on Records Management  requirements,  visit https://dos.myflorida.com/library-archives/records-management.

Maria Robles, Manager of Administration/Public Information
Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO)
maria@tbrpc.org, (727) 570-5151, ext. 11

TBRPC is an Equal Opportunity Employer, A Drug Free Workplace and Adheres to ADA Standards

The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) is an Equal Opportunity Employer, a Drug Free Workplace, and adheres to all ADA standards of employment.

We are committed to building a team that is comprised of diverse skills, experiences, and abilities. It is the policy of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council to provide a work environment free from discrimination, harassment, and related inappropriate behavior. 

The TBRPC does not condone or tolerate any behavior that is discriminatory, harassing or otherwise inappropriate when such behavior is based on an Individual’s or group’s race, color, national origin, religion, gender/gender identity, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, language, military status, ancestry, personal appearance, citizenship status, child birth or related medical conditions, family responsibilities, political or union affiliation, or other protected category. Further, the TBRPC does not and will not tolerate discrimination against, or harassment of or by, our employees, job applicants, consultants, vendors, or visitors to our facility.

Wren G. Krahl, PHR-CP
Executive Director
wren@tbrpc.org, (727) 570-5151, ext. 22

TBRPC's Website Accessibility Statement

The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website and actively works to improve accessibility.

If you encounter any inaccessible material while using the website or need assistance regarding the accessibility of our website content, please contact Maria Robles, maria@tbrpc.org, (727) 570-5151 ext. 11.