MacDill Air Force Base Military Installation Resilience Review (MIRR)

The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council was awarded a Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Responding to Threats to the Resilience of a Military Installation grant from the Department of Defense. The 18-month, $570,000 grant was designed to examine the long-term resilience and sustainability of MacDill Air Force Base and its surrounding community.

The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council completed a Military Installation Resilience Review (MIRR), which is a community-driven initiative to analyze risks and future climate conditions and implement actions to foster, protect, and enhance military installation resilience and sustainability.

The MIRR approach consisted of three main tasks including:

  • Task 1: Identify and define threats, impacts, and unmet needs
  • Task 2: Assess vulnerability and risk
  • Task 3: Refine and prioritize projects and policies

With the assistance of the consulting team of AECOM, the MIRR started in September 2021 and was complete in June 2024. The outcome is 35 strategies that go beyond climate hazards to address issues related to emergency management, regional connectivity, and access that emerged during the planning process. The strategies aim to break down silos and improve coordination and information sharing between the installation, the City of Tampa, and Hillsborough County so that future technical analyses and the development of infrastructure solutions to combat climate change are coordinated among federal and local partners and result in shared benefits.


MacDill MIRR Stakeholders

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) – The TAC was composed of subject matter experts in transportation, planning, facility management, emergency management, and utilities. This committee assisted the project team by offering their unique perspectives and insight of the existing conditions surrounding the base and identifying current or future projects that may be prioritized in the MIRR. TAC members represent the following organizations:

  • City of Tampa
  • Hillsborough County
  • Tampa Highway Expressway Authority
  • FDOT
  • Tampa International Airport
  • Hillsborough TPO
  • TECO
  • MacDill AFB

The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)- The PAC was tasked with providing policy recommendations to mitigate risks to critical infrastructure. PAC members represent the following organizations:

  • City of Tampa Council
  • Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners
  • MacDill AFB Wing Command

For any questions or additional information, please contact Cara Woods Serra, Director of Resiliency at

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