The Tampa Bay Local Emergency Planning Committee held an emergency response exercise at Port Tampa Bay to test combined response capabilities. The emergency exercise was conducted in a stressful, no-fault learning environment to test marine and landside response resources.
This exercise evaluated the capabilities of Port Tampa Bay and key community partners in response to a hazardous materials incident to ensure port personnel, tenants and the maritime community know and understand the responsibilities and procedures required in an emergency incident within the port.
This exercise was sponsored by Tampa Bay Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) administered by Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) and included: the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Department of Health, Florida Division of Emergency, Hillsborough County Fire Rescue, Hillsborough County, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Manatee County Fire Rescue, Port Tampa Bay, Tampa Fire Rescue, Tampa International Airport, Tampa Police Department, Tampa Port Services, United States Coast Guard, and YARA North America.
Exercise Evaluators observed the participants and compiled their analysis in an After-Action Report and Improvement Plan with recommendations for future training, equipment acquisition, and procedural refinements.