Economic Development District (CEDS & EDA)

Coordinating Regional Economic Development

In 2003, the TBRPC was designated by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) as the Economic Development District (EDD) for the Tampa Bay region, now including the counties of, and all municipalities within, Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties. The EDA designates these economic districts across the country to promote regionally driven economy efficiencies. As the EDD for the Tampa Bay region, the TBRPC provides a conduit for accessing matching federal economic development funds for job-creating projects.

By acting on behalf of the region’s six counties, the TBRPC reduces the administrative costs of regional grant applications and conducts the following primary activities:

  1. Prepares and maintains the Tampa Bay Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and assists with its implementation. EDDs are required to fully update the CEDS every five years and TBRPC updates the CEDS on an annual basis.
  2. Provides technical assistance to local governments and economic development organizations on their economic development activities, programs, and grant applications.
  3. Provides letters of support for projects submitted to the EDA for funding. The counties and municipalities within the EDD are eligible to apply for a number of federal grant opportunities for local jurisdictions, provided that the projects that are proposed are consistent with the CEDS. Project proponents must have a support letter from the EDD attesting to the proposed project’s consistency with the CEDS to submit applications for assistance from the EDA on investment projects as well as grants supporting economic recovery that are offered by other agencies. 
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